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Why Career Counselling Matters for 12th Students

As graduation comes closer, the further steps of your career path may seem a lot like finding your way out of a maze without a map. This is where career counseling steps in. Deciding on the right job isn't just deciding on a job, it's finding a route that will fit what you like, what you're good at, and where you want to go. 

Career counsellors at Jitin Chawla's Centre for Career Development help you build a strategic plan for your career. But first, let us understand why counselling is the most important thing you need to gain further insights into self. 

Why Do I Need Career Counselling?Career guidance is like a trusted friend by one's side, guiding one across the gigantic theme park of career options. Imagine you stand at the entrance, surrounded by rides and attractions that number in their hundreds, each being representative of a career path in this regard. Counseling, in this case, helps work out which of the rides most excites you, which you would really be great at, or which really matters. It's about knowing yourself better so that one makes intelligent choices regarding the step one wants to take next in their career journey.  How Can You Benefit from Counselling? 

Career counselling offers a structured approach to understanding yourself and the opportunities ahead: 

Self-Discovery: Counseling helps one to discover his or her interests, values, and skills; this is done through conversational means and special assessments. This insight into what exactly excites you and where your strengths lie will help you make an informed choice about your future. 

Personalised Advice: The counsellors give you advice based on the insight obtained from the psychometric assessments, as well as the interactions. Advice that will not be generic but formulated specifically for you, considering your unique blend of interests, abilities, and personality traits.

Strategic Planning: Once you have developed a clear understanding of yourself, the counsellor is going to help you to develop a strategic plan. The plan encompasses selection of the right kind of the courses and prepares you accordingly for the same to get into practical work once you graduate, or to search for enriching opportunities, ensuring you are in line with goal attainments. 

Student Journey at Jitin Chawla’s Centre for Career Development

At Jitin Chawla’s Centre for Career Development, we’re here to support you every step of the way:

01 - Understanding You

First Consultation: Well, it all begins with us getting to know you a little better. We will discuss things that interest and do not interest you, things which you care and are concerned about, and how your school experience has been so far. It kind of helps us find out where you're coming from and what you're heading toward.

Psychometric assessment: These special tests will enable us to know more about what you are naturally good at, what interests you, and what kind of personality you have. All these inputs turn out to be really useful in advising you on things that work best for you.

02 - Plan Your Life

Creating Your Profile: From knowing what we learn from the tests, we create a thorough profile that enunciates your strengths. Feel free to consider it like your personal brand that is you, touting your awesomeness to any university or employer.

Map Out Your Future: Together, we will create a roadmap. The plan will zero in on everything from picking classes to how to prep for exams, to work experience, and great things to do over the summers. It is all about putting you on a path toward success.

03 - Achieving Goals

Personalised Mentorship: this isn't only going to stop after two/three meetings. Instead, you get ongoing mentorship for a number of sessions that is unlimited. Basically, we will be here: answering your questions, checking up on how you're doing, and helping with a tweak in your plans for up to 45 days. We want to be sure you are on the right track and feeling confident about the next steps ahead.

You will also develop some of the other key skills, such as managing your time well, balancing school with other activities, and really making the most out of this learning journey.

Hands-on Learning: We shall demonstrate means of getting hands-on experiences in fields that interest you. It is through internships, projects, or other forms of practical learning that you will be able to figure out what it is that you really want to do. 


Choosing a career path is a big deal, and we’re here to make sure you choose with confidence. At Jitin Chawla’s Centre for Career Development, our aim isn’t just to help you find a job. We’re here to empower you to build a career that’s rewarding and successful. Through our personalised counselling, unwavering support, and thorough planning, we’re dedicated to turning your dreams into accomplishments.

Ready to take the next step? Book a counselling session with one of our expert counsellors today and start shaping your future with clarity and confidence.

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