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Top Interview Questions

“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today”

Interviewing is a crucial phase in the admissions process since it allows the institution to examine a student's interpersonal and academic abilities. 

With so many interview hurdles to cross, how can you ensure that you don’t stumble along the way? 

While there is no foolproof method to succeed, what you can do is prepare. 

Why is it important to prepare for an entrance interview?

Preparation makes all the difference as it allows students a chance to impress the interviewer while also learning more about the institution and whether it might be a good fit.

Students gain insight into the academic and social culture of colleges they're applying to while also explaining their interests and goals to interviewers.

While every interview process is unique, there are some common interview questions that  are likely to be asked in almost every interview. These are listed below:

  • Tell Me About Yourself?

This question can make or break the interview. Interviewers are asking this because they do want to know more about you. 

You need to paint a unique portrait of who you are to separate yourself from others. Avoid clichés or descriptions that would be too common. 

  • Why Are You Interested In This Institution?

Interviewers  want to see that you're taking the application process seriously and have a legitimate interest in attending the institution. 

Talk about your interest in a major or academic program, the cultural values of the institution, or extracurricular activities that drew you to the college.

  • Why are you interested in a particular field or course?

They are interested in looking to see genuine interest and passion for the subject or the course you want to study, ensuring that you’ve chosen the right course for all the right reasons. 

Talk about why a certain subject or course inspires you or why you're passionate about it. What experiences provoked your interest in the subject? 

  • What are your greatest strengths?

They are interested in getting your perspective on where you excel holistically.

You should be able to explain how you recognize your strengths, how you're currently using them, and how you plan to use them in the future.

  • What Are Your Greatest Weaknesses? How Have You Addressed Them?

They want to see that you have the persistence and work ethic to succeed despite your challenges.

Try revealing strategies or specific approaches you've taken to improve your weaknesses.

This will help to demonstrate that not only are you humble enough to admit you have a weakness, but you also are motivated enough to keep improving yourself.


  • What are your short term and long term goals?

They want to get a sense of your personal goals, and ambitions. How do you plan on impacting the world? 

You should describe your goals beyond academic ambitions, but incorporate your career into your response as well. Be detailed and explore why you hope to do these things.

Discuss the skills you want to develop, and what you want to accomplish.

  • Whom Do You Most Admire?

From this question, they can get a sense of your values. 

Don't limit your answer just to naming the person but also mention Why do you admire that person?

  • What Do You do in your spare time?

This question is designed to get a better sense of your general interests, hobbies, and overall personality.

Your answer doesn't only have to include academic activities. Whatever you do for fun can be  intellectual, though, explain why you find these activities fun. 

  • Tell me about a challenging situation and how you overcame it?

The interviewer is testing your ability to be resilient and cope under pressure. They want to see that you're persistent and willing to work hard to overcome these obstacles.

This question allows you to demonstrate how you can use your initiative and act with integrity.

Think of a significant challenge you've had in your life and how you dealt with it. What did you learn from the problem?

  • What Makes You Unique?

 You can discuss a trait or multiple traits you possess. Give examples and stories that demonstrate these qualities. Do you have any uncommon interests or goals? 

  • What is your biggest accomplishment?

It’s an excellent opportunity to showcase your track record which will convey what you would be capable of. 

  • What do you consider to be your biggest failure?

The key with this question is to see it as a positive and as an opportunity to discuss your personal growth. 

It’s important to be accountable for your own mistakes. Explain why you failed, and what positive you can draw from it and how you used this failure as a springboard for success.

  • Your City/State related questions?

Interviewers want to know if you have empathy for your roots. 

Prepare a few important points related to your city including some important history and current affairs.

  • Tell us about a time when you demonstrated leadership qualities.

Explain a moment in which you took charge, whether it was in the classroom, on a sports field, or in a laboratory. Describe the circumstance briefly, followed by the task, your role in the situation, the action you took, and lastly, the outcome you created.

  • Why should we select you?

By this question, You’ve had an opportunity to talk through your reasons for applying for the course, as well as your strengths and weaknesses as a student

The key to answer effectively is to be direct, truthful, positive, and succinct. Ensure participation by putting up relevant points, and precise answers which are far better than beating around the bush. Build your arguments with facts, figures, and situations.

Preparation is important for a good interview. Thorough preparation will make you feel at ease and confident on the day of the interview. It will guarantee you have some thoughtful responses to win the interviewer over.

The interview should be a pleasant experience, and you can use it to show off your personality in ways that aren't possible elsewhere in the application.

Don’t forget that your interviewer just wants to hear about you! There are no right or wrong answers. As long as you remember to be yourself, listen to the question, and answer thoughtfully, you’ll do great!

Written by Mr. Vikram Soni - Jitin Chawla Team

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